Do more…


My problem lately has been trying to control my environment. That my friends is a very dangerous play. I can never control what goes on around me, let alone control what people do. I want certain things and when I do not get them or gwt my way,  I get really frustrated. Frustrated enough I start to question God in the process.

Then it strikes me, Ria, do you know how you sounds like right now? Selfish.  Selfish and you know it. Stop thinking about yourself,  stop wanting everything you want to come true. What if you shouldn’t have that, shouldn’t have him. Don’t you know God has a better plan for you. And you remember that sign? If someone is meant to be in your life, they’ll catch up?

I am thankful to find the words written on that saying today. It just reminds me that I have been sitting idle; idle that I start thinking about my selfishness again.

No one will make you happy. Only God can and in the process you will start to notice that the things you do that doesn’t pertain to you, will make tou happy as well.

Think about it.

Semi-annual sale!!

Don’t miss out on our semi- annual sale at Chloe and Isabel!!! Over 80 of our bestsellers will be 50%-75% off their original price! Sale runs from noon tomorrow, July 17th until Sunday, July 20th! Check out my online boutique starting at 12pm EST tomorrow and shop shop shop!!

Feel free to reach me from the following:

IG: @deekaynwhy
Pinterest: deekayanwhy
Facebook business page:

Getting my feet wet…. in direct sales business


I’m wearing the Morningtide Convertible Statement Necklace in this photo.  Trying to capture a glam shot to promote this piece of jewelry and the company.

Hi! My name is Ria and I’m a merchandiser for chloe + isabel jewelry company!

As of November of last year, I ventured into the world of direct sales business. Wait, what? you say. Yes, me a business entrepreneur. Something I’m both excited and mortified about because I have no prior experience with anything business-related at all. But hey why not? The incentive is great: work from home, make your own hours, for every piece of jewelry you sell there’s a commission which result into extra money in your wallet aka extra income. Who wouldn’t want that?? I already have a part time job, but deep down I wanted to try something new. Something different. Something non medical related. So here I am. Newbie and all getting my feet wet on being my own boss selling amazing jewelry.

Now don’t get me wrong, c+i (chloe and isabel for short- check out is hard work. Our main focus of driving sales is through pop-ups, online or in person and trunk shows, but the bulk of it all is advertising/marketing. Let me tell you, it is no walk in the park, taking a stroll.. no indeed! It takes time and even tears to get where you want to be. My first ever sale came from a friend, on Valentine’s Day, 3 months after I joined the company. She is a director for Thirty-One bags and I recently bought some things from her. In turn,  she bought something from me! I love it when we direct sales gals help each other out. What made it extra special was that it happened on V-Day and I was stuck in a city, grounded because I couldn’t get home due to continue snowstorms. But that made my day and I didn’t care that I was stuck somewhere,  I made my first sale!!!!  Then came March and April, I was in a roll! All of a sudden, May came and flatlined. Nothing. Now it is June,  July slowly peaking in and nothing. Do you see where I’m going with this? My only consolation is that my sister is also a merchandiser down in South Carolina and I’ve been helping her with her sales. Quite honestly, for every sale she gets, I feel like it’s a sale I made too minus the commission of course- hehe. I’m happy for her because she’s a full time mom with now 13 month old active little aka stinker/boy (lol) and running her own business gives her a sense of ownership and a source of income.

For my goal in July and the end of this month, I’m going to pursue my own drive in sales. No matter what. No I won’t play dirty, I’m to classy for that. I’m going to give my business the time to get it out there for people to see and hopefully make a little more for my income. My end-game? To help my parents get a new washer and dryer that just died yesterday. And maybe  new A/C, which decides whether it wants to work or not depending on the weather outside.

Positivity is the key. Optimism and determination. And just keep swimming 🙂

To check out my online boutique, go to
Or my FB business page:

Thanks for reading!

Grant me


Saw this today on someone’s Pinterest board. I needed this. I love this quote. I’m still in a point where I’m alright at one time then I start thinking and I fall apart. Its then where I catch myself praying. Just either quietly out loud, in a whisper or in my heart. I need to just let go. I need to focus on what I can change instead of wanting to go out and change something that doesnt need to be change. God doesn’t need my help. On the contrary,  I need God’s help. In everything.

Grant me your peace Lord.
Calm my anxious heart.
Hold me close.
And guard my heart.



Saw this today on someone’s Pinterest board. I needed this. I love this quote. I’m still in a point where I’m alright at one time then I start thinking and I fall apart. Its then where I catch myself praying. Just either quietly out loud, in a whisper or in my heart. I need to just let go. I need to focus on what I can change instead of wanting to go out and change something that doesnt need to be change. God doesn’t need my help. On the contrary,  I need God’s help. In everything.

Grant me your peace Lord.
Calm my anxious heart.
Hold me close.
And guard my heart.

Goodnight ❤

Faith. Hope. Love

I apologize for being absent. There are quite a few of things that has happened in the past year, months or so. I’ll try not to be gone too long. I have missed this. I did start writing in my journal again. I have a lot on my mind lately. A constant struggle. No matter how much I fight it, there’s one that just sits there. Waiting to be seen. Waiting for me to remember. Waiting for me to notice. Watching me cry. So let me tell you a short story.


Back in August 2013, I met this guy. Well, I met him through a friend. It wasn’t long before that that I broke up with my ex-boyfriend of 5 years. I thought with Steve*, he was the man of my dreams, the guy I will eventually marry. It wasn’t a bad break up. It was mutual and amicable. We wished each other the best and if it’s meant to be, then our paths would cross in the future. Looking back now, while writing this, if I had known I would meet another guy, oddly enough, also named Steve*, then what I said came true. Depending how you look at it. The new Steve was older, he’s also a Respiratory Therapist like me, and he was different. In every possible way. First of all, he’s accent. The guy is from the Midwest, I guess, southern midwest if there’s such a thing. He’s such a country boy, but very nice, respectful, kind. I got to know him through text messages. Yup. For a whole week, we texted each other. We never called. Just texted. I started to like him through his words and boy was he funny! It was never a dull moment with him. What really blew both of us away is how similar we both are: goofy, great sense of humor, kind. Both of us like the same things, enjoy doing the same things and basically kind of like two peas in a pod. It was exciting to finally meet up the end of that week. We clicked right away. We had a great time. More so that we saw each other again the next day. Then we finally talked on the phone and can I say the rest is history?

But such is the irony of life….

You see, he travels for his job. A traveling RT. He was in the area for work, on a contract. After that contract, he moves to another state, place to work. He ended up going back to the West Coast to work there while I stayed in the East Coast, where I live. Officially, before he left, we decided that we were exclusively dating. It worked for awhile. Then just recently, we decided to take a break. He was working too much and he works night shift and the time difference, I think, really didn’t help either. I would stay up in the wee hours of the night waiting for his texts or phone calls. Sometimes I got them, sometimes a little, then it was nothing. Yes, I felt sad, disappointed, dejected. I had mixed emotions. I tried to make it work for a bit; I called, texted. He gave me nothing in return. His excuse was, “I’m so tired” “So exhausted”, “I can’t think right now”. Fully understandable. He works 9- 12hr shifts every 2 weeks. Who wouldn’t be tired or exhausted. I think I’ll be nonfunctional if I ever do that. So after awhile, I suggested a break. I don’t think Steve was too happy about it, but then he had no choice. I think the main fact he hasn’t been there for me made him realize why I would want a break. Besides, I need a break for my own emotional well being, for my peace of mind. I wasn’t healthy physically and emotionally. I had hope everyday that I would hear Steve’s voice or read one of his sweet texts he would send me. But when I get nothing, my mind just collapses and my heart breaks. What surprised me the most was he asked me if I would like to reconnect in the future after the break. I said ‘I do’. He replied with ‘Me too’. That was encouraging. I haven’t lost him completely….

It’s been over a week or 2 now. I deleted his phone number from my cell and unfriended him on Facebook. I don’t need that disattraction while on break. He knows. Once in a blue moon, we’d message each other on FB. Just recently, I asked him if after 2 months or so that we can try to reconnect then. He said ‘Sure’. So I’m counting the days. lol. I try not to think too much about it. For now, I’ve been doing a lot of praying. I’ve tried to keep busy with work and play, hanging out with friends. Passing the time by. I sent Steve a card and a letter a while ago. He messaged me one morning telling me he got it. He said it was so sweet and very uplifting. Let’s just say that’s who I am. I know what he’s been through. I don’t know quite what his going through. And I pray for him daily. So much so, it brings me to tears just thinking about him. Went to the store today, was browsing through the aisles and out of nowhere he pops in my head. “Oh I miss going shopping with him” was what I was thinking. Then I catch myself sniffling. I had to leave the store asap because then my eyes started watering. Before writing this, I was crying. I blamed it on allergies, but I miss him so much. All I want to ask him is does he miss me too? Does he think about me as much as I think about him? Sometimes I cry at night. looking at my phone, hoping. Then I drift off to sleep… while praying. I keep reminding myself that it is all in the Lord’s plan. If Steve and I were meant to be together in the future, God will make it happen. I have to constantly tell myself that God’s timing is ever so perfect. Whereas men’s timing is short lived. God’s plan is way bigger than what my mere human mind can think up. Isn’t much more better if I leave all the details to Him?

I almost forgot to mention that Steve and I belong in 2 different denominations. I’m an Adventist and he’s a Pentacostal. We have talked about church, children and even marriage in the past. But one big difference is the church. We both are in agreement about not forcing the other to convert. But I will have to tell him though I won’t marry anyone that isn’t Adventist. It’s hard to explain from here. It has to be shown. Although, I am open to trying to work it out. I hope he does to, but who knows. Like I said, I’ll leave it all in God’s timing.


He gave me this music box statue for Christmas last year and a little stuffed dog for Valentine’s Day back in February, I keep it next to me in bed. When I look at the two, it makes me smile. And that’s the best feeling in the world. To know that someone loves you, to think of you as someone special. ‘Faith. Hope. Love’ is this print I found on one of the pins on Pinterest. That led me to writing this today. It reminded me of the verses in the Bible:

The Greatest Gift

13 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned,[a] but have not love, it profits me nothing.

Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part. 10 But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.

11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.

13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.


Faith that God will work it out for my best interest, for our best interest, even if we don’t end up together. For God knows us more than we know ourselves.

Hope that one day I will see Steve again and will bask in his arms around me.

And love. What can I say about love. “Love never fails…  love endures all things…”

I love you Steve. More than you’ll ever know.




*Steve is not their real name. The name has been changed to protect the innocent. And yes, if you haven’t caught on, my ex’s name and the current guy’s name is the same. LOL. Irony of life…

Never expect….

If it was meant to be..

Haven’t much been a blogger for some time now. What can I say, life just happens. There are some things that’s heavy on my heart right now and this is the perfect quote for one of those things. Not much to say tonight. Just this. Goodnight all ❤


I whip my hair…



old Blouse: Zara

Chino Pants: Bench

old Shoes: JCPenney

Wow talk about oldie but goodie! Look what I found! I took this shot back in May of this year and I cannot believe I didn’t bother posting this. Talk about a style icon;) Pardon for the mess, I think I was too vain to care. LOL ❤