Do more…


My problem lately has been trying to control my environment. That my friends is a very dangerous play. I can never control what goes on around me, let alone control what people do. I want certain things and when I do not get them or gwt my way,  I get really frustrated. Frustrated enough I start to question God in the process.

Then it strikes me, Ria, do you know how you sounds like right now? Selfish.  Selfish and you know it. Stop thinking about yourself,  stop wanting everything you want to come true. What if you shouldn’t have that, shouldn’t have him. Don’t you know God has a better plan for you. And you remember that sign? If someone is meant to be in your life, they’ll catch up?

I am thankful to find the words written on that saying today. It just reminds me that I have been sitting idle; idle that I start thinking about my selfishness again.

No one will make you happy. Only God can and in the process you will start to notice that the things you do that doesn’t pertain to you, will make tou happy as well.

Think about it.

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